Special / Outdoor Event Requests

To request a special event or outdoor event, please contact Cynthia Soto at cynthia.soto@inkatana.com.

Photography and Filming Requests

Photography and filming requests by non-students must follow a new procedure that is reviewed and approved by University Marketing and Communications before FD&O can grant reservation and access to university facilities. Complete the request form.

Students, class groups and recognized student organizations must review and complete this different request form.

These request processes are not required for personal photography such as graduation photography sessions on campus grounds. 

Venue Diagrams

Click on a link below to view/download a PDF diagram for your desired venue.

Business Courtyard DiagramBusiness Courtyard [pdf]

Bell Garden DiagramBell Garden [pdf]

Music Grass Area DiagramMusic Grass Area [pdf]

Science Lawn Area DiagramScience Lawn [pdf]

Smith Carlos Lawn Area DiagramSmith Carlos Lawn [pdf]

菠菜网lol正规平台-Tower Hall Lawn N and S DiagramTower Hall Lawn (North and South) [pdf]

Tower Hall Lawn North DiagramTower Hall Lawn (North) [pdf]

Tower Hall Lawn South DiagramTower Hall Lawn (South) [pdf]